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Easter Boys Camp is an action-packed weekend held at Busselton over the Easter long weekend. Our aim is to share the Hope found in Christ through talks and our lives with boys aged 9-15 years.

Easter Boys Camp is held at 172 Caves Road Busselton and will be running from Thursday 28 March to Monday 1 April 2024. Our camp is run by volunteers and leaders who have current WWCC. The camp has a dedicated and trained first aider and numerous leaders with Senior First Aid and CPR. We also have a designated leader with bronze medallion supervising all our water activities over the weekend.

What Do I Need to Bring?

Sheet, pillow, sleeping bag,Bathers, clothes, thongs, joggers, towel (bath and beach), rashee (swim shirt), hat, warm clothes. We will also send a few more details closer to camp.

What is the Cost?

The cost of the camp is $140 per child for the entire weekend, including all food, accommodation, travel and activities. There is a discount that applies for multiple boys from the same family.